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Journal Articles

Cox, L., Berends, V., Sallis, J., St. John, J., Gonzalez, M., Agron, P.  Physical Activity Policies. Journal of Physical Activity. 2011; 8: s40-s48.

McDermott, Robert, J., Berends, V., McCormack Brown, K., Agron, P., Black, K., Pitt Barnes, Seaphine. Impact of the California Project LEAN School Board Member Social Marketing CampaignSocial Marketing Quarterly. 2005; IX(2).

McCormack Brown, K., Akintobi, T., Pitt, S., Berends, V., McDermott, R.,  Agron, P., Purcell, A. California School Board Members’ Perceptions of Factors Influencing School Nutrition Policy. Journal of School Health. 2004;74(2):52-58.

Robertson, J. Sweetened Drinks and Children’s Health—What Do We Know, and What Can We Do?Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2003;5(3): 201-203.

Woodruff, K., Dorfman, L., Berends, V., Agron, P. Coverage of Childhood Nutrition Policies in California Newspapers. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2003; 24(2):150-158.

Craypo, L., Purcell, A., Samuels, S., Agron, P., Bell, E., Takada, E. Fast Food Sales on High School Campuses: Results from the 2000 California High School Fast Food Survey. Journal of School Health. 2002; 72(2):78-82.

Agron, P., Takada, E., Purcell, A. California Project LEAN’s Food on the Run Program: An Evaluation of a High School-Based Student Advocacy Nutrition and Physical Activity Program. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Adolescent Nutrition Supplement.  2002;102(3): 103-105.

Calderon, L. Promoting a Healthful Lifestyle and Encouraging Advocacy Among University and High School Students. Journal of The American Dietetic Association, Adolescent Nutrition Supplement.  2002;102(3):71-72.

Walter, C., Agron, P. Food on the Run: Using Social Marketing and Media Advocacy for Social Change. Social Marketing Quarterly. 2002; VIII(4):1-2.

Walter, C., Bell, E., Martinez, N., Takada, E., Rodriguez, L., Agron, P.California Bone Health Campaign: Using Social Marketing to Promote 1% Milk With Low-Income Latino Mothers. Social Marketing Quarterly. 2001; VII(3):53-56.

Takada, E., Walter, C., Agron, P. Jump Start Teens: Interactive, Cross-curricular Lessons for High School Adolescents. Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior. 2001; 34(1):63-64.

Takada, E., Purcell, A., Agron, P. The Proliferation of Fast Food and Snack Food in Schools. Nutrition & the M.D. 2001;28(4):1-4.

Purcell, A. Empowering Teens to Make Better Nutrition Decisions. Dannon Institute Community Nutritionary. 2001;4(1):8-9.

Samuels, S.,E.  Project LEAN--lessons learned from a national social marketing campaign. Public Health Reports. 1993. Jan-Feb; 108(1): 45–53.