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Advocacy Guide
Lessons Learned
Lesson Plans
Playing the Policy Game
This toolkit highlights nutrition and physical activity policies in the school and community that teens can pursue with adult guidance. The booklet includes a collection of activities and success stories of California teens making nutrition and physical activity policy changes in their communities. Playing the Policy Game outlines activities which drive the policy change process. Each step of the process is described in detail. Also available in Spanish.
Food on the Run: Lessons from a Youth Nutrition and Physical Activity Campaign
This guide provides real life examples of how Food on the Run, a California-based project worked with youth advocates to make healthy eating and physical activity easier to do at their schools. This document describes the steps for implementing a nutrition and physical activity youth advocacy program. Chapter topics include: recruiting and working with teens, training teens on physical activity and nutrition, taking action for change and many more.
Jump Start Teens
Jump Start Teens is a series of eight lesson plans for use with teens; the lesson plans are real-life and cross-curricular and will educate and encourage students to eat healthy, keep moving, and take action. The lesson plans were updated in 2007 to include the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Spanish-language worksheets, and updated media resources. Jump Start Teens reinforces your curriculum with: